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Coconut Cream Pie

Coconut Cream Pie

Coconut Cream Pie

Growing up, one of my favorite things about family gatherings was my nana’s coconut cream pie! She made it for every Thanksgiving and Christmas, and we have carried on the tradition in our own immediate-family events.

This year, we had Thanksgiving at my house because we couldn’t go home due to our jobs. My mom, dad and brothers came down, and we fixed Thanksgiving dinner in my little galley kitchen.

But one thing that wasn’t missing was my nana’s pies!

The recipe is super simple – except for the meringue. But if you are an intermediate baker, you can easily get it.

Here is the recipe:

Coconut Cream Pie


Coconut Filling:

Coconut Cream Pie

3 egg yolks

1 1/2 c sugar

1/2 tsp vanilla

2 tsp butter

1/4 c shredded coconut

1 baked pie shell

1/4 c flour

1 can evaporated milk


3 tsp sugar

1/4 tsp baking powder

3 egg whites


1. Separate egg yolk and whites, set egg whites aside

2. In a saucepan combine sugar, yolks, evaporated milk, flour on low heat. Stir continuously until it thickens.

Coconut Cream Pie

Coconut Cream Pie

Coconut Cream Pie

3. Remove from heat and add coconut, butter, and vanilla

4. Bake pie crust according to pie crust directions

Coconut Cream Pie

5. Put filling in pie

6. In a mixing bowl add egg whites, sugar, and baking powder and blend with a mixer until stiff. Place meringue on top of the filling.

7. Place pie back into oven util topping is golden at 350 degrees.

Coconut Cream Pie


Once the pie is done, let it cool and then serve!

What is your favorite holiday dish?

repressing the crazy

Coconut Cream Pie


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