I can remember the first horror movie I ever watched, officially. There were plenty of times I would hide behind my dad’s Lazyboy and peak at the television through my fingers.
There was also a time that someone switched my Blockbuster VHS as a child with a horror movie, and I was traumatized by the first 2 minutes of it.
But, the first horror movie I watched with the intention of watching it was Jaws. My mom turned it on, made me sit down and watch it by myself – and then I came out a new woman… or child, since I was 5.
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Anyways, that moment launched me into a horror movie obsession that is still with me.
I watched every Halloween movie, every Stephen King movie, every paranormal movie – and I had to watch them in theaters. It is hard to find horror movies I don’t like, even the cheesy ones.
I even had an obsession with the movie Rubber and Thankskilling. In case you didn’t know, those are movies about a killer turkey and a killer tire.
If you are behind in horror movies, here are some you can start streaming now: